Decide to become a light of opportunity with firm belief in its existence. The new year cycle offers a chance to begin freshly with clear intent in mind.
Erase all the negative dramatics and disappointments. Lingering in that energy will distract you from shining as brighly as you can. Lift yourself above there. Become the opportunity you wish to create. If you have been thinking about what it is you wish to achieve, you are already half way there.
Radiate that opportunity with as much brightness as you can muster. Your personal disappointment in the past has no place here. Leave it behind where it belongs.
Close your eyes and truly see the probabilities. They are truly endless.
Begin the new cycle with joy. It fuels the ability to create. You can start again with the opportunity clear in your mind and heart.
Decide to radiate opportunity and joy.”
~VERONICA- “Inner Whispers”