Above all, it is now vital to remember the more candid we can be about our own truth, the less others will have to hide. What we do for one we do for all, and the more people who add honesty and authenticity to the collective soup, the easier it becomes for us all to do the same. We are none of us perfect in egoic eyes, and yet all are precious gems through the eyes of love. The more we can love our own flaws and failings, quirks, foibles and idiosyncrasies the easier it becomes to accept those of others and see beyond the charade of who we pretend to be.
There is much to be done in the coming year. Great challenges lie ahead and we are nowhere near done with this shadow revelation. But we can each contribute to a more tolerant and progressive world by dropping our own pretence, embracing the truth of who we are and daring to share it with those around us, knowing that doing so helps them do the same. What we endeavour to hide will be unceremoniously revealed; where we aim to deceive, we will fail; what we pretend, will be exposed as a lie. On this we can absolutely rely as Mercury and Pluto do their work deep within the fabric of our lives. But truth, authenticity, honesty and good natured humour – even in the face of our greatest challenges – will all contribute to an atmosphere of acceptance, support and love, allowing compassion to rise like a bubble and dissolve even the most well-crafted and deep-rooted lie.
Sarah Varcas